Following on from the Foundation era, the Decentralization era of DAODISEO is a period of growth and development for the consulting network. Unlike the Foundation era, which began at a single point in time when the mainnet was launched, the transition to Decentralization is designed to achieve a smooth, low-risk transition without service interruptions.
The Decentralisation era encompasses the critical early steps in DAODISEO’s journey to optimize decentralization – and like any first steps, these will be gradual but significant. During the Foundation era the network was federated, but as the Decentralisation era progresses new nodes will be added holding independent Real Estate Development initiatives. Once the majority of nodes are run by network participants, DAODISEO will be more decentralized and enjoy greater security and robustness as a result.
As a proof-of-stake network, users stake their ODIS to participate in the network and benefit from yield paid by Real Estate Development companies (SPVs). Consciously designed using game theory and the latest research into proof-of-stake networks, the delegation and incentive scheme will allow and encourage members to delegate their stake to stake pools (Run by SPVs) that represent independent Real Estate Development projects.
Come the end of the Decentralisation era, we expect DAODISEO to be decentralized like other blockchain networks. We envision multi
jurisdictional ODISEO network backed by Real Estate Assets with multiples SPVs running independent nodes, but always with an aim of decentralization in mind as well as focus on security by separating assets into reasonable size legal entities that run independent nodes of ODISEO Network. Our Network runs at a fraction of the power cost of equivalent proof-of-work blockchains, but we also recognize that Bitcoin proof-of-work network is the best and necessary decentralized financial rail for the industry to exist.
The Decentralization era represents the natural maturation of the network, making it more useful, rewarding, and valuable for users new and old. It’s also about preparing for the future. Decentralization will set the stage for a fully distributed network, and an entirely new consulting talent driven application ecosystem with even greater things to come in the Smart Contracts, Scaling and Governance eras.